Reproductive & Female Health

Reproductive & Female Health

From delayed menarche to confirmation of menopause, and menstrual irregularities in between, hormonal analysis is hugely beneficial to identifying problems that can arise during the reproductive years.

In Ireland, demand for infertility services has grown substantially in recent times even though the prevalence of infertility has been stable. The HSE estimates 1 in 6 heterosexual couples in Ireland experience infertility. Globally 2.5 million assisted cycles are undertaken per year, with 500,000 babies born as a result. Hormonal analysis is an essential first step in the assessment of the sub-fertile couple, due to ease of access and as a non invasive investigation which can be hugely informative in determining the source of their difficulty in conceiving.


Our Services

Our Services

Health & Wellness
General health and wellness testing can include a variety of tests, depending on the needs of the individual or recommendations of
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Sexual Health
Regular STI screening facilitates early treatment and reduces the long-term consequences of infection.
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Respiratory Health
Rapid early pathogen identification has important treatment and infection control implications. See our range of tests here.
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Reproductive & Female Health
Hormonal analysis is hugely beneficial to identifying problems that can arise during the reproductive years.
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